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Blue Chip iSUP Repair Specialist

I-SUP Boards


Blue Chip board repairs service; repairs surfboards, kite boards & inflatable SUP boards.  -   Inflatable Board Repairs since 2009
Since 2009 Blue Chip has been the leading repair shop for inflatable SUP, single skin dropstitch,
double laminated fusion technology and the latest woven dropstitch technology,
all technologies can be repaired at Blue Chip iSUP Repair Centre .


The iSUP repair specialist centre

Pioneers in iSUP repairs since 2009
Often imitated, never duplicated - 3-year warranty

Fin Box replacements:-

First to pioneer and perfect laser alignment for replacing fin boxes
Seam ruptures:-
First to repair seam ruptures with triple layer invisible seam bonding
First to give a 3-year warranty on puncture impact holes and cut repairs


  • Fin boxes - laser precision alignment
  • Seams re-bonded and pressure tested
  • Holes sealed and pressure tested
  • Valves serviced or replaced
  • FSC & Scotty accessory mounts
  • Anchor points
  • Cargo nets

Online Board Repair Estimate:
If in doubt as to what you may need to fix your board
you can send us two images with a combined file size no larger than 2MB. and a description of the damage.
Due to receiving so many phishing and emails with spurious attachments, we do not click on links or open zip files or open any attachments. Images must be sent in regular jpg - jpeg - gif or tiff formats. We cannot open HEIC image files. click here
    Please include:
  • A close up of the damage
  • An image of the damage in relation to the whole board
  • The model and make of the board

NOTE: On suspected delamination, we can only
give advice on seeing the board first hand

(emails larger than 2 MB and all zip files will be blocked by our system) 
Due to receiving so many phishing and emails with spurious attachments,
we do not click on links, open zip files or open any attachments apart
from images sent in regular jpeg or gif formats
We dont search for leaks,we only fix leaks that you clearly identifi to us

Open hours to take in board repairs
Wednesdays 08:30 – 15:00
Thursdays     08:30 – 15:00
Fridays         08:30 – 15:00
Saturdays     08:30 – 12:00.

Please Note:

All board repairs are unique and therefore we cannot give cost estimates or timescales for repairs without either seeing the board or detailed images


Puncture impact holes and cuts

We can repair puncture impact holes from as little
as £20 including 3 year warranty
We carry a wide range of iSUP coloured materials

Laser Technology
In 2014 we pioneered Laser alignment technology
for finbox placement which ensured perfect
alignment for your replacement finbox

Fitting a new fin box can be as little as £60

Seam Ruptures

We re-bond seam ruptures from £20 and they are usually invisible.
All repairs are pressure tested before they leave our workshop

I-SUP Glue, Patches & Anchor points Quick Release Belts Leashes

i-SUP Fins I-SUP Fin Boxes  

Blue Chip Express Repairs is one of the largest board repair workshop facility in the UK We repair all makes of iSUP boards here on the premises to insurance standards and our own high Blue Chip standards
We can repair holes from £20
Seam Ruptures
We re-bonded seam ruptures from £20 and they are usually invisible.
Replacement fin boxes
Fitting a new fin box can be a little as £60 with Laser alignment technology
WindSUP fin boxes
We regularly install centre fin boxes for windSUP boards using a laser to guarantee correct position and all of our repair work carries a Blue Chip guarantee
Most of seam repairs are completely invisible
We pressure test and warranty all of our repairs before they leave our workshop.
All of our repair work carries a Blue Chip guarantee and most seam repairs are invisible
Searching for leaks
We repair all sorts of leaks but please note:- we do n't search for leaks, we only fix the leaks that you clearly identify to us.
Sending your iSUP board to us You can send your board to us at:
Blue Chip Board Store, 94 Church Hill Road, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 8LJ
Don't forget to tell your freight company or opening hours

1: - Pack your board so that it doesn't suffer from further transit damage, preferably in the box it was delivered in
2:- Let us know you are sending a board along with the brand and model
3:- When sendig your boasrd to us:-  Please complete and enclose the "Repair Booking Sheet" that we have enclosed in our email corispondance
Workshop Location